Introduction of a Freshman Virgo

Hello, everyone. My name is Lily, and I come from a small town in the eastern part of China. I am a freshman, majoring in Business 【更多相关资讯请访问wWw.66688829.COm>二舅星座】Administration, and I am honored to represent the Virgo zodiac sign in our class.

As a typical Virgo, I have a strong sense of responsibility, am detail-oriented, and usually have a well-organized plan. I am also good at observing and analyzing things, which helps me make rational decisions.

In high school, I was an active member of the student council and participated in various extracurricular activities. I was also the editor of our school newspaper, which enhanced my writing skills.

Now, as a freshman in college, I want to explore more opportunities to learn and gain experience. I am passionate about business and want to pursue a career in the field after graduation. I believe that with my dedication and diligence, combined with the knowledge gained from the university, I can achieve my dream.

Apart from my academic pursuits, I enjoy reading books, especially those related to business, psychology, and communication. I also love to travel, immerse myself in different cultures, and meet new people.

As a Virgo, I am always striving to be the best version of myself. I believe that the university offers a platform where I can challenge myself, broaden my horizons, and enhance my personal and professional skills.

In conclusion, I am delighted to be a part of my university and am looking forward to an enriching academic journey. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself.